ah what a day. in the morning got dressed and went to Valencia Community College to turn in my appication to take the college placement test. if you dont already know its so that i can get into dual enrollment to earn college credits in high school. so yeah i had to wait in this long ass line. and its like mini osceola high in there. saw some peeps from chorus, other classes. even saw paul. that was interesting since its been a reallyyyy long time. it was weird being in there. realizing i actually have to start looking at colleges and stuff. eeeekk ! then i had to go buy some prep books for the test which im most likely taking on monday. afterr went to my school to pick up my report card. all A's and one B (: i also saw that i have 18 credits which is enough to be a senior at another school. but i dont wanna leave. i love that school too much. even though osceola county is MAD GAY for having uniforms. smhhh. then went to the YMCA to apply with my mom. so im gonna start swimming there more often so i can join the team at school. i miss basketball :( having one kidney sucks balls. then later drove to wal-mart my mom wanted to have a heart attack. i drive good though. then went to aeropostale to pick up 2 polos for $20. finally home now reviewing these damn books -_-
i decided im not gonna do as many music reviews. only when i have time. plus i like having things that other people dont, even if its music :p im selfish but oh well !
and that was my day ! quick shoutout to cindy. words cannot explain how much i love that girl. everything will be alright babygirl , i promisee.

countdown till my long lost sister gets here : 5 dayss. shes really my godsister but screw you shes my sister <3>