Thursday, August 21, 2008

Where's Caylee

not saying i dont care. but out of all the kids missing in the united states, why is this story so huge? theres tons of kids who get kidnapped or abandoned by their parents but its not a big issue. its all in the media. shes been missing since july 15 and it took her mother 30 days to file her missing then lied in the papers? oh lord.
The mom is suspected of killing her and supposedly theres evidence but the exact details haven't been released to the public. On the night she was arrested, a family friend asked, in a recorded jail call: "How come everybody's saying that you're not upset, that you're not crying, that you showed no emotion, no caring of where Caylee is at all?"
"Because I'm not sitting here fucking crying every two seconds. Because I have to stay composed to talk to detectives, to make other phone calls, to do other things. I can't sit here and be crying every two seconds like I want to. I can't."
oh lord lets see how this one goes. if she's still alive (god willing) i hope she returns home safe.

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