in this crazy world of mine, so many things are questionable as to whether or not things are true. yet throughout all of it, i know that one thing is for sure. and that is, that guy up there - loves me no matter what. i know for sure that in the 11 months that we have been together, i have neverrr questioned if his love for me was true. he's never done anything to hurt me in any way, and he's changed so much - for us. sometimes i feel like he deserves so much more from me, because i dont know why out of all people, god chose me to be blessed by him. i swear he deserves some type of an award. i mean come on, he's put up with me for this long and still loves me? lol i dont know how he does it. he wrote me this little letter at 12 in the morning, and i felt like the only cheeseball because i was crying when i read it. like that neverrr happens. it just feels so good knowing how long its been. like at 3 months it felt like we were together for a year, and now that a year is just a month away, it feels like its passed by so quickly. there is nothing left for me to say but - alan cruz, i love you. 

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