Monday, September 8, 2008


okay so today I was assigned an essay about which presidental candidate i would vote for, and why. and i felt guilty for not really being fully aware of what each side has to say. but i didnt want to be like the rest of alot of the 'colored population' and just be like yeah obama he's black vote for him! no thats now how it goes down. so i've been on youtube for a while looking at speeches and what not, but obama is the mann. this country NEEDS a change. not someone who's gonna step into office and run american just the way its been run for the past 8 years. and for those who know me (: you know that i'm veryyyy involved when it comes to the genocide in darfur. so i decided to see obama's views on this situation.

come on, this dude is amazing. bush declared whats going on an official genocide what 4 years ago ? and it's still going on. it took him long enough to just send some choppers over there which didnt do anything at all. bush is just in it so that activists dont go crazy on his ass. i highly doubt he's doing it for his own moral purposes. but you know if economically helping them would help us in return, he'd be all over it. obama actually cares. this will be an easy essay (:

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