that i wanna write but cant. either its for personal sake or just time. today i woke up and cleaned my room. it felt good to clean for once. then just before i was gonna shoot my
self because i was depressed gretchen came to the rescue to save me. we picked up cindy and headed to the mall to meet up with trina pina (: all of us reunited sincee a long time (since that picture was taken). we walked around that damn mall idk how many times and there wasn't shit. i bought this black blouse and a purse which i really needed. then we went to arbys and no lie we were in that bitch for over an hour. cuz after we ate we just started talking about random shit and nike drama , haha. now im back home. when all i really wanna do is be in miami. since yesterday i've been in one of those 'i hate living here i wanna go back to miami' mood. yeahh "/ currently listening too my nigga taio cruz. but i wanna throw my ipod against the wall. each song has a memory to me and right now living in the past is one of the worst things i can be doing. i still need a damn job. grrrrr. once again i miss miami :( bye byeeee.

-desiree <3
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