first period - blah. second periodddd was the shit. we had the teacher awards ceremony for ms.austins class where eric and i performed until the end of time. he was nervous, but we were
still good regardless; video coming soon. we ate sooo much. pork & shrimp fried rice, mangu & salami, pasta, cookies, rice crispies, drinks. ahh. we didnt sing in third period because the other group was doing dance. then i didnt eat during lunch because i was still full. then fourth period i went to ms.aunts class to see how they did their ceremony. no offense to my peoplee, but theirs was wayy better. they had rice and beans, chicken, mac & cheese, some pasta, CHEESECAKE, pies, everythinggg. then they asked me to sing but i didnt know i was gonna do it until they announced it infront of everyone. so of course i couldn't decline. so then i sang the solo alone lol, but i did good. i was nervous that time because my chorus teacher was there, but he said i did good.
then after school, i didnt go trick or treating or anything. no money for costume. buttt it was ozzys bday. so makk picked me up and we went to gay boy nicks house (: haha. chilled there for a big and messed around with his control lighting. sam had fun with thattt. then went to ozzys house, danny stopped by but left. then ozzy and i played against makk and nick in 2k8, which btw- we whupped dat aszzzz 8) then shay and joey stopped byy. and we left to mcdonalds which was a scary car ride. 'its like an episode of thriller' haha. stuffed my faceeee then went home because my mom was all paronoid. i had alot of fun thoughh -
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