Wednesday, January 14, 2009

so disappointed

in myself. for letting things get to this point. i expected so much out of this relationship, and got so little in return. its not my fault that he wasn't ready for us, but it is my fault for getting too attached. i just don't understand the point of getting into a relationship - and to end it because you're not ready? and it gets me so upset that people let their past get in the way of their future. he had something so good, i dont think he realizes how good. i could've made him so happy... but im not anymore. because i "overreact" about things and because i was being "childish". im sorry, but i wont lower my standards and just have the label of his "girl" and just wait around for him to have time for me. i understand people have their own lives, and they have things to take care of, but he knew that as well and he still got into this. the night before we made it official, i asked him "do you really think you're ready for a commitment". and look at us now... earlier today i was out getting lunch with him, playing guitar hero, laying on his bed and looking in his eyes. and out of nowhere its all over. done. like its not registering in my brain. i'm just honestly sick and tired of being willing to put my all into something, and getting nothing in return. he was my hope, and now that hope is gone...

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