On the bus. Heading to the port to go on my cruiseeee !
Come on, who's school has a chorus that goes on a cruise to the bahamas. We're pimps (:
I'll be gone till monday. Peace niggs!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Currently in algebra 2. Days have been getting better. 3 days till the cruise! I'm really tired and its hard for me to pay attention. I'm so booked with learning music, its ridiculous.
I just wanna go alreadyyy. Then I'm going to prom with arnold (: so I'm excited for that. Stuff at home is pretty sucky, its all because of the economy. Its crazy how much of an influence money can have on a family -_-
I'm hungryy
I just wanna go alreadyyy. Then I'm going to prom with arnold (: so I'm excited for that. Stuff at home is pretty sucky, its all because of the economy. Its crazy how much of an influence money can have on a family -_-
I'm hungryy
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Yesterday was one of the worst days I've had in a while. I'm on the bus going to school, and not only do I still feel sick, but my eyes are closing because of how much I cried. Nightime was the worse because my brother was taken by ambulance because he fell on his arm. So I was home alone, with no one there to comfort me. And the person who used to be there for me, can't even look me in the eyes because he doesn't wanna have to go back to old memories. I hope todays better..
"Hold the person that you love closely if they're next to you. The one you love, not the person thatll simply have sex with you. Appreciate them till the fullest extent and then beyond, cuz you never really know what you got till its gone."
I'm tired of being alone.
"Hold the person that you love closely if they're next to you. The one you love, not the person thatll simply have sex with you. Appreciate them till the fullest extent and then beyond, cuz you never really know what you got till its gone."
I'm tired of being alone.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
It's funny how
everyone is on Aubrey Graham, excuse me, Drakes shit now. thats been my hubby since his Degrassi days. oh, how i love maturation (;

anyways, I've been jammin to this for some days now.
one day... *sigh*
Saturday, April 11, 2009
ready for random blogging ?
i'm back home now. and i feel a lot better now that i've let some things go.
i'm ready to be happy, and i really think i could make someone else happy as well.
i really like this song. Lady Brown - Nujabes
cruise to the bahamas in 13 days !
i love these colors, minus the strap: UnionNYC x Nike Hi Challenge Supreme
i love these colors, minus the strap: UnionNYC x Nike Hi Challenge Supreme

thats all folks !
Friday, April 10, 2009
the end.
this is me just venting. you can skip it (:
its been a while since i've blogged. to make a long story short, i've been in miami this past week. had a blast! went to a heat game, beach with my friends from new york, marc anthony concert, shopping.... but at the same time it changed a lot. and for the last time, i've decided to honestly let go of the main reason that brings me to miami so frequently.
i've been doing this unofficial long distance relationship thing now for who knows how long. and i just want to put it in the past starting now. its been almost three years now that i've cared about, and have grown to love you*. but i refuse to be treated like im nothing. im sorry but i've put up with it for too long. all the times you just decided this was too tough for you, and would give up without even letting me know what was going on. i NEVER gave up until now, and it's because you made this choice for me. i was willing to, and always did everything and more just to be close to you. all the times i came here to miami, wasn't for a little vacation, it was to be close to you. but to my surprise, it was just whatever to you. yet when you're in town for 2 days, I do whatever i have to just to see you, even if it's for 5 minutes. the times that i looked at you and told you i would do anything to make it work, i wasn't lying. i don't just do this shit for fun and take it as a game. and i would think that if you tell someone you want to go to college by them, be with them, get married one day, grow old with them... taking time out of your busy life to see them shouldn't be an issue. yet sadly it is. and i cant believe i actually believed it all. i started writing a BOOK about you for Christs sake. and everyone who reads it doesn't understand why you push me to the side the way you do. but then randomly want me back, and me being so foolishly in love, go back. i'm sorry that you cant have me when its convenient for you. if you love me, its either you have all of me or nothing at all. at first i accepted your faults, understood you needed time to get used to this. but time isn't even a factor anymore. you're just plain selfish. i was here for ONE WEEK. and not once did you put in the effort to see me. that right there just killed me. and in the future when everyone disappoints you and lets you down, you're gonna think about me, the only person who would never do that to you. but by then it'll be too late. no one is gonna love you and give you what i could. they can't even match up to half of what i can offer. but now i realize that i deserve better, and i think you can agree with that. i love you, and threes no doubt that i always will. but this whole trying and putting my all into this is over.
all the times i would see you and have to leave was the hardest for me. and you always said "never say goodbye, it's always see you later. because goodbyes are for people who'll never see each other again... and you're gonna be my wife one day." yet for the first time today, you told me goodbye...
so i guess this is it kris. the bracelet is long gone, but the memories will stay with me forever. i'll continue with the book, but it won't ever be the same. coming to miami wont ever be the same. i love you so much, but i need someone who's gonna love me just as much in return.
i hope she makes you happy.
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