my new favorite song, thanks to kris <3
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
think of me.
if a guy played this for me, i'd love him forever, lol. phantom of the opera on broadway is AMAZING by the way. definitly something i will never forget. i was gonna post the video of christine singing this, but i really loved this. when new year comes up, one of my resolutions is to get this good. so watch out (:
blah 4
yeah im listening to that right now. and some other stuff gretchen is sending to me. this weekend was alright. football game on friday with the peeps. saturday just filled out scholarship stuff. and today cleaned. pretty sucky weekend. wanted to go to destinys yesterday but guess not. GRETCHEN is getting me depressed that hoe. lol. she stays sending me sad songs. my life is so fucking complicated, its funny. i need my own reality show. eh not much to say. i wanna go to miamiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii and new york. both equally badly. im gonna make a video of me singing tomorrow on my sisters cam. because i tried on mine and the sound quality sucks. any requestssss (: just let me know.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
you don't own me.
You don't own me, I'm not just one of your many toys
You don't own me, don't say I can't go with other boys
And don't tell me what to do
And don't tell me what to say
And when I go out with you
Don't put me on display
You don't own me, don't try to change me in any way
You don't own me, don't tie me down 'cause I'd never stay
I don't tell you what to say
I don't tell you what to do
So just let me be myself
That's all I ask of you
I'm young and I love to be young
I'm free and I love to be free
To live my life the way I want
To say and do whatever I please
were singing this in chorus. i love it (:
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
i'll blog more when i have time. as for im still listening to the song below. i need a new layout for this. and a new song -_-
Sunday, September 21, 2008
this first one reminds me of my colombian loser buddy ivan lol. crazy how much has changed.
all i wanted was your love.
i used to love this song so much. the video is so random, i love it.
THIS WAS MY SHIT (: this was like my favorite song.
and after all that we've been through, i know were cool "/ it's weird finding songs that go perfectlyyyyy with a situation.
everyone was on this songs shit. but i loved it firstttt (:
okay thats all for now. the list is never ending plus im sure no one cares (:
i like the regular version of this song better. they use too much auto-tune in the video. anyways, i'm reading new moon by stephenie meyer. got me all depressed. i miss miami :(
i'll blog about my weekend later.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
singing witness. yeah the sound quality sucks, but hey it was fun. i love singing old chorus songs. makes you feel cool lol. overall today was pretty good. my hands still hurt though, im gonna have to check that out. im reallyyyyyyyyyyyy tireddd. THANK GOD TOMORROWS FRIDAY. hopefully going to the game (: oh, and don't you just love my random photography.?
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
11 months.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Vintage Stereon.

Monday, September 15, 2008
okay so...

Sunday, September 14, 2008
work that corner.
baby got back.
and this is how hispanics celebrate a two year olds birthday party. thats my 55 yr old step-grandma in the center btw (: it started as a tough day but this made it alot better. i love my crazy ass disfunctional family. and i can't believe my baby is growing up. that kid is my life. one of the main reasons why im staying in kissimmee instead of being in miami right now. its crazy how the thing i want the most is so easy to get. like i can move if i wanted to without a problem. but its not that simple.

Thursday, September 11, 2008
Maria Mena.
A regular day in New York, everything was always the same.
One kid got called out of class, and then I was the next
Lord knows this was the last thing I would expect.
I walked down to a lobby of frantic moms and dads
There were no TVs to let me know what was going on that was so bad.
My grandma picked me up, with her eyes full of pain
All I could do was think the worst, so I started to pray.
We took a cab to pick up my older sister, and I could tell by the atmosphere that something was wrong
When she got in the car, all she told me to do was to hold on.
“Be prepared for what you’re about to see
I bet you never knew just how cruel this world could be.”
When I got to my building everyone was going crazy and crying
My grandma tried to explain to me why there were so many people dying.
A plane hit the World Trade Center, a place where my mom was working just two weeks ago
But since she didn’t tell me she switched offices, my world suddenly went cold.
Watching the buildings collapse, it was just too devastating
Nothing to do but sit at home, I couldn’t stand the waiting.
I remember sitting there thinking “how could I be so dumb and blind?”
“Couldn’t this be prevented, weren’t there any signs?”
Finally my mom got home, and my worries died down a bit
All I wanted to do was hold her close to me and just sit.
She sat in front of the TV saying “what’s the point of us having all these rights
Is this what our country has turned into, us fighting for life?”
The rest of the day was just spent in sadness and sorrow
This was one situation that I knew wouldn’t be fixed by tomorrow.
There are no words to explain the emptiness felt due to this tragedy
All the lives lost and how it happened so sadly.
Its crazy how in one day it went from two beautiful buildings standing so tall
To a nation who now says “united we stand, divided we fall.”
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
you better shape up (;
mad tired though "/ im gonna do some extra work so i can take it easy tomorrow. by the way; alan cruz i love you so much its retarded. haha (: i know drove you crazy with this song when we first started going out. and i still drive you crazy every day. but i was just thinking how when we were like together for 3 months it felt like years. but now that were gonna make 11 months, it feels like it was just yesterday that you stole my heart. and its been yours ever since (: peace niggas !
-desiree <3
Monday, September 8, 2008
So So Def
come on, this dude is amazing. bush declared whats going on an official genocide what 4 years ago ? and it's still going on. it took him long enough to just send some choppers over there which didnt do anything at all. bush is just in it so that activists dont go crazy on his ass. i highly doubt he's doing it for his own moral purposes. but you know if economically helping them would help us in return, he'd be all over it. obama actually cares. this will be an easy essay (:
Sunday, September 7, 2008
highly upset.
Friday, September 5, 2008

Def Jam Appreciation Post (:
I'd prefer a broken neck than a broken heart. i lovee this one so much.
my nigga DMXXXXX talking about the industry. fuck what you think about ruff ridaz of whatever. you know he's hot shit.
knock knock. this man speaks with so much power it made me wanna cry. like the emotion he had throughout the whole poem, you can tell how much it meant to him.
now for some humor (: dave chappelle is that dude. FUCK ashton kutcher ! haha i love this one.
I AM A SEXY ASS MOTHERFUCKER. haha big mikeeee. but what he says is true. knowledge is true beauty.
barbie and ken 101. i love at the end where he says something like whats real is women that dont give a fuck. oh yeah - thats me. like people think i wanna look good to impress people - fuck that. i look good for myselfff and if you have a issue with that well then it sucks to be you.
thats all for now. i'll be posting up more as time goes by.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
should i give up?
even if it leads nowhere ?
i LOVE her effing voice. and i love singing this song. today sucked balls. im still sick "/ went home early to sleep but just finished maddd homework. im in my 'fuck everyone' mood. so yeah..
Tuesday, September 2, 2008

btw this is the amazing song we're singing in chorale. Sleep by Eric Whitacre x3 i dont think the images go good with it but we. this song calms me somehow. the next video is of Lux Aurumque. chorale also did this last year but i wasnt in it at the time. idk wtf is up with the video but its so beautifulllllll. im a chorus geek, and proud of it :D
Monday, September 1, 2008
so much

-desiree <3